
Auszüge aus einem Artikel von Anja Schreiber, 02.02.2024, 14:25 Uhr:

„Der Beruf hat in den letzten Jahren an Bedeutung gewonnen“, sagt Bernd Jöstingmeier, Professor für Personalwesen, Führung, Organisation und Innovationsmanagement an der Dualen Hochschule Baden-Württemberg in Stuttgart. „Die Arbeit von Innovationsmanagern besteht nicht nur darin, selbst innovative Ideen zu entwickeln“, so der Hochschullehrer,…

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Im Wintersemester 2023-2024 engagierten sich 34 Studierende der Studiengänge "BWL-Handel" und "BWL-Digital Commerce Management" der Dualen Hochschule Baden-Württemberg (DHBW) Stuttgart in einem fesselnden Forschungsprojekt. Unter der Leitung der renommierten Strategieexpertise von Prof. Dr. Sven Köhler und der Innovationsführung von Prof. Dr. Bernd Jöstingmeier aus der Fakultät Wirtschaft widmeten sich die Studierenden der Herausforderung, die globale…

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Agiles Innovationsmanagement: Dilemmata überwinden, Ambidextrie beherrschen und mit Innovationen langfristig erfolgreich sein – 1. Februar 2022

von Gunther Wobser (Autor)

Nach der Formulierung der dynamischen Problemstellung systematisiert Gunther Wobser wichtige Dilemmata, in denen Führungskräfte heute feststecken, und zeigt anschließend Lösungswege auf. Dabei betrachtet der Autor agile Ansätze systematisch und ordnet sie in den Phasenablauf des…

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Umsetzung der digitalen Transformation: Wie Unternehmen sich für eine digitale und nachhaltige Zukunft wandeln müssen (Haufe Fachbuch) Gebundene Ausgabe – 4. Oktober 2022

Die digitale und grüne Transformation ist das wichtigste Projekt des kommenden Jahrzehnts. Ob und wie sie gelingt, entscheidet letztlich über die Stellung Deutschlands und Europas in der zukünftigen Welt. Dieses Buch beschreibt, wie die digitale Transformation aus Technologie- und aus Nachhaltigkeitssicht…

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Von Prof. Dr. Bernd Jöstingmeier ( E-Mail: )

Hier ein kurzer Erfahrungsbericht über meine Moderation von Online-Kreativitäts-Workshops:

Vor kurzem habe ich mehrere Online-Kreativitäts-Workshops moderiert.

Genutztes Videokonferenztool: Zoom.

Vorab durchgeführt: Problemdefinition. Motivierende Problemformulierung.

Vor der Anwendung der Kreativitätsmethoden: Entspannungsphase mit lustigen…

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Nachts gute Ideen sofort aufschreiben

Eine Grundannahme von Sigmund Freud war die Existenz eines Unterbewusstseins und eines Bewusstseins. Diese Überlegungen lassen sich auf die kreative Ideenfindung übertragen. Beispielsweise beschäftigen wir uns sehr lange mit einem wichtigen Problem und kommen (im Bewusstsein) auf keine Lösung. Anschließend arbeitet unser Bewusstsein jedoch stunden- und eventuell tagelang daran weiter, eine Problemlösung zu finden.

Wenn wir besonders entspannt sind, wie beim Schlafen und Duschen etc.,…

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Thoughts on Innovation, Leadership and Culture

Navigating Innovation and Change with Braden Kelley

After a well-deserved summer break, we are back with another Innovation Room Podcast episode. In this one, Colin and Braden Kelley discuss the interconnection between innovation and change management, the growing role of sustainability in driving corporate innovation, the impact of emerging technologies like artificial intelligence on business models, and so much more.

Innovating Around What’s Pivotal with Stephen Shapiro

Stephen Shapiro started his innovation work over 25 years ago while founding and leading Accenture’s 20,000-person process and innovation practice. Since then, he has written seven books on innovation, including Best Practices Are Stupid, named the best innovation and creativity book of 2011 by Porchlight, and an international business bestseller.  

In this conversation, Colin and Stephen talk about Stephen’s early experiences of working in the innovation field with Accenture, and how he came up with his approach and methods. He shares his thoughts on his upcoming book Pivotal: Creating Stability in an Uncertain World, and the state of innovation today. 

The Four Lenses of Innovation with Rowan Gibson

Colin Nelson continues his discussions with esteemed innovation experts who have profoundly shaped the field through their work and publications. This time, he sat down to talk to none other than Rowan Gibson. Rowan Gibson is widely recognized as one of the world’s foremost thought leaders on business innovation. 

Rowan is the bestselling author of 3 major books (Rethinking the Future, Innovation to the Core, The Four Lenses of Innovation). Currently, Rowan serves as the president of Imagination Bridge, a leading global consulting firm in the field of strategic innovation. 

In this conversation, Colin and Rowan talk about how Rowan entered the innovation field, where his methodologies came from, the main challenges today’s innovators face, and the opportunities that lie ahead. 

Agile Innovation: How to Embrace Agile Leadership to Innovate at Speed

In a world dominated by uncertainty, how can we prepare for the unpredictable and keep innovating in what seems like a highly chaotic environment?  

We simply need to be faster in adapting to change and navigating uncertainty. Studies show that organizations that move faster achieve significantly better results across various metrics, including profitability, operational resilience, organizational health, and growth.

How to make sure your organization is fast enough? Innovation at speed is more relevant than ever, but someone must put the pedal to the metal. Typically, that someone has to be a leader, because in the face of unprecedented change, leaders are needed to get us through the transformation.

However, unless organizations rethink leadership, they won’t be able to innovate systematically. In this day and age, great leadership requires a different mindset and a new approach to drive innovation and keep pace with change. We call this agile leadership.  

This article, the second in the series dedicated to Agile Innovation Management, explores the critical role of agile leadership in innovating at speed.

Discover the key challenges and misconceptions surrounding the topic and understand why many leaders struggle with it. We'll also provide practical steps and examples that will hopefully inspire you to increase the agility of your organization. 

The State of Innovation with John Bessant

John Bessant has been at the forefront of helping educate us all on innovation for decades. Needless to say, it is a great honor to have John join Colin Nelson, the new co-host of The Innovation Room podcast, for this conversation.

John has dedicated over 40 years to research and consultancy in technology and innovation management. John has advised various national governments and international organizations, including the United Nations, The World Bank, and the OECD. He is also known for his extensive contributions to the literature on innovation, having authored numerous books on the subject. 

Currently serving as Emeritus Professor of Innovation and Entrepreneurship at the University of Exeter, he brings a wealth of expertise to the discussion. 

Circular Economy with Kati Pallasaho

You can love it or hate it, be passionate about it, or be completely exhausted byit, but the topic of sustainability will not leave the spotlight until we've completely overhauled our work, mindset, and habits. 

Understanding the need to educate and inspire, we’ve dedicated this episode of the Innovation Room podcast to the topic of sustainability with a focus on the circular approach.

Time and time again, innovation emerges as a cornerstone for reshaping our approach towards consumption and production, so it is not a far-removed topic for us to cover.

Agile Innovation Management: The Complete Guide to Business Agility as a Driver for Innovation

Research reveals that 90% of executives recognize the critical importance of agility for their company's future success, with 96% emphasizing the need to increase agility in the future. What’s more, agile companies grow revenue 37% faster and generate 30% higher profits than their non-agile counterparts.  

Incumbents are shaken by the highly dynamic environment they operate in, and they are too slow to respond to disruptive changes. 52% of companies in the Fortune 500 have either gone bankrupt, were acquired, or ceased to exist.

An AEIU survey, 27% of respondents cited their organization's lack of agility as a competitive disadvantage in anticipating marketplace shifts. Unfortunately, it’s not enough to be better and stronger, you also need to be faster to swiftly adapt to the market race.

Based on our experience in working with top innovators, and on market insights and trends, we can see that the future of innovation management is agile. What does this mean, and how does it concern you, the ambitious innovator?

We will provide all the answers in this article, a comprehensive guide to agile innovation management and the first in a series dedicated to business agility and agile innovation. 

We'll first frame the major concepts, explain the thinking behind them and then we’ll provide practical tips and answers to big questions.  

As with many of our articles, we seek to provide a comprehensive understanding of the topic, while also bringing forward practical advice which you can take into your everyday work. That being said, we advise you take your time with this one, bookmark it and come back to it to get a full grasp of the subject or to get more clarity.  

The AI-First Strategy With Paavo Ritala

In recent years, the topic of AI has been tirelessly running across many minds. So, it only makes sense that we kick off the newest season of the Innovation Room podcast with a dive into the world of AI.   

For this conversation, we sat down to talk to Paavo Ritala. Paavo is a professor of Strategy & Innovation at the Business School of LUT University in Finland. He is also Co-Editor-in-Chief of the R&D Management journal. He is known for his widely available research on networks and ecosystems, sustainable and circular economy, and most recently, from his studies on digital transformation, data, and AI.

Is AI the Future of Innovation Management?

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ve probably heard a thing or two about AI in the last year. The launch of ChatGPT has supercharged the hype around AI, and now we’re seeing dramatic progress at a pace unlike anything that’s come before.

For those of us into innovation, it’s an exciting time.

Much has been said about the topic at large so I won’t go over the details here. We’re very excited about what AI can do for innovation management and we’ve already spent some years looking into AI’s role in the future of innovation management.

Viima is an integral part of HYPE and together we're taking steps in making the most of AI for innovation management. I thought it would be good to  share our current thinking on the topic and answer some key questions:

  • What can AI do for innovation management?
  • What are some common use cases?
  • How can you operationalize AI’s use in innovation management?

What is the Lean Startup Methodology?

In the dynamic landscape of startups, a staggering 90% face the risk of failure, whether within the first year or succumbing to mounting challenges by the end of the fifth.

These statistics echoed in articles spanning the last decade, underscore the unpredictable and volatile nature of the startup journey. Faced with such uncertainty, adopting a cost-effective, waste-free approach becomes not just a choice but a vital necessity. One such approach that I will be diving into in this article is the Lean Startup method.

The traditional way of starting a new business involves a lot of planning, research, and preparation. Normally, this approach focuses on executing the plan without significant changes and assumes a stable market environment. In the end, this results in quite lengthy development cycles. This approach is not viable for all companies, especially small and emerging startups. So, let’s break the Lean Startup down, and let’s see how it can modify the traditional way of starting a new venture.

How to Leverage Automation to Accelerate Innovation

The COVID-19 pandemic forced and accelerated digital transformation and the adoption of automation as businesses sought ways to operate remotely, ensure continuity, and adapt to new challenges. Rapid advancements in technology, especially in AI, robotics, and data analytics, have made automation more accessible and powerful, enabling its integration across various industries.

AI is put at the forefront of automation, but even though it plays a crucial role in automated systems, automation includes a broader spectrum of technologies and methodologies that go beyond AI. 

Clearly, the new era of automation is shaping the future as we speak. How are other innovators leveraging automation, so they can be part of the future?

Executives invest 59% of IT budget on technologies related to intelligent automation and 90% of them say that intelligent automation creates higher value work for employees. Even more, 73% of industry leaders use workflow automation which reduces costs associated with manual tasks, while 31% of businesses say they have fully automated at least one function in their organization.

How can innovation managers and innovators in general, make the most out of automation? In this article we’ll show you some practical ways of leveraging different types of automation to accelerate innovation.     

Understanding Corporate Partnering with Immanuel Nama

We've returned with yet another Innovation Room Podcast episode. In this conversation, I was joined by Immanuel Nama to chat about corporate partnering, what it is, and how to do it right.

Immanuel is an Innovation consultant at HYPE Innovation where he focuses on startups and partnering, and he is responsible for the scouting side of the process. With a keen eye for emerging trends, he has had the privilege of spearheading HYPE’s efforts to identify and collaborate with some of the most promising startups in the industry in joint projects together with corporations.

Until today, HYPE has successfully delivered more than 350 individual scouting projects and found the best-fitting startup solutions for any specific search field for their clients. So, if there is anyone to share valuable and interesting insights about corporate partnering, it definitely is Immanuel.

Demystifying Lean Six Sigma: A Continuous Improvement Framework

53% of Fortune 500 companies use Six Sigma and up to 82% of those in the top Fortune 100 embrace the business improvement methodology. Research says that Six Sigma has saved companies over $400 billion

40 years later the Six Sigma methodology is as popular as ever, with new variants and adaptations, like the Lean Six Sigma, making it more versatile for other industries and types of organizations as well.

Lean Six Sigma, the rising star of continuous improvement, promises to enable incremental innovation through a systematic approach to improving processes, products, or services. Attracted by the enticing potential of Lean Six Sigma methodology to fuel innovation, individuals are drawn towards training and certification while organizations rush to hire experts or implement Lean Six Sigma projects.

One can only wonder: is this yet another gold rush? Should you get certified in Lean Six Sigma, should organizations train their employees, or should you even consider implementing the framework?

To help you better understand if Lean Six Sigma could bring any value to you, either as an individual or as an organization, we’ll try to demystify the secrets of LSS in this article by exploring its definition, practices, and tools.

As with many of our articles, we seek to provide a comprehensive understanding of the topic, while also bringing forward practical advice which you can take into your everyday work. That being said, we advise you take your time with this one, bookmark it and come back to it to get a full grasp of the subject or to get more clarity.  

The ISO 56000 Series for Innovation Management Explained

Are you one of the 84% of leaders who prioritizes innovation, yet you find your organization's performance lacking in this area? It's a familiar conundrum: How do we consistently create lasting impact, generate value, and achieve successful innovation?

The quest for an innovation recipe has been gaining momentum, but is it truly possible to standardize innovation?

The innovation standards that ISO (International Organization for Standardization) started to introduce in 2019 are promising just that.

Are the new ISO standards for innovation truly valuable? And if so, does it make sense to adopt them in the future? These questions don't have easy answers, so in this article, we'll delve into the ISO 56000 suite of innovation standards to uncover the good, the bad, and the ugly.

What exactly is the ISO standard for innovation? Who is it designed for? Should your organization consider adhering to these standards? We'll weigh the pros and cons and provide insights into what it means in practice to be ISO 56000 compliant and whether they have the potential to transform the way you approach innovation.

What is a Kanban Board: From Sticky Notes to Digital Transformation

Whether it's a bunch of sticky notes on an office wall or a clever digital tool with color-coded boxes, most of us are familiar with the ingenious concept of a Kanban board.

Perhaps that’s not the name you use. Maybe for you and your team, it’s Trello or simply a whiteboard, yet at the very core of it all, hides a little neat Japanese invention that sparks joy – Kanban.

It is not exactly a new concept, however over the years Kanban remains largely unchanged and its popularity unwavering. In this article, I will try to take a deeper look at what it is and how to make it work for you.

Corporate Business Building with Frank Mattes

Our latest Innovation Room Podcast episode dives into the topic of a new business building inside established organizations and the culture that surrounds it all. I was lucky enough to have this conversation with none other than the expert on the topic himself – Frank Mattes.  

Frank is an expert in corporate business building, an innovation advisor to corporates, and an author. He has published two books on creating new businesses from corporate startups, with a third book on the topic now in the making.

Frank co-created the Lean Scaleup framework together with more than 20 companies and two business schools, offering best practices for creating profitable businesses, he is a founder of the Lean Scaleup consulting agency, and he is simply passionate about helping corporate innovation practitioners to improve their business-building capabilities.

Supply Chain Innovation: Building Efficient and Resilient Organizations

In recent decades the globalized economy and increased international trade have expanded supply chains across the globe, which unavoidably has brought about new dependencies. These new dependencies come with both significant benefits and risks, creating unforeseen weaknesses.

The COVID-19 pandemic exposed those vulnerabilities in dramatic fashion, showing that organizations simply were not prepared to bounce back from such disruptions.

An Accenture report showed that immediately after the COVID-19 outbreak, 71% of organizations didn’t have a backup plan for their business operations and a Gartner study reports that merely 17% of companies have supply chains that are actually prepared to handle disruptive events.

Organizations are now re-evaluating their supply chains and shifting focus from cost reduction, to becoming more resilient through redundancy.

But, going extreme in either direction isn’t the answer. Every organization must find the optimal balance between resiliency and efficiency for their specific situation. That’s where supply chain innovation comes into play.

In this article, we explore supply chain innovation and explain how you can create resilient and efficient supply chains by leveraging technology, collaboration, and process improvement.

Debunking Open Innovation Myths with Oana Maria Pop

We are back with yet another Innovation Room Podcast episode.

Today, Oana-Maria Pop shares her thoughts on fears that arise from all the myths and misconceptions shrouding open innovation.

Oana-Maria has over a decade of experience in the innovation field. Currently, she is the Head of Open Innovation at Hype Innovation, engaging in consulting and training, and supporting marketing activities. Her focus is on helping large, complex organizations set, vet and execute open innovation goals.

Innovation Management – The Ultimate Guide

EDITOR'S NOTE: Now updated for 2023.
Innovation is without a doubt one of the hottest buzzwords and most debated topics of the last couple of decades, and while a lot of people are sick and tired of hearing about it everywhere, the term and the concept behind it are here to stay.

We’ve had numerous conversations about managing innovation, and if there’s one thing that’s been quite evident from the beginning, it’s that while there are tons of different concepts and opinions related to the topic, there’s surprisingly little consensus on what effective innovation management really is.

As this has proven to be an endless source of debate, we decided to create a series of blog posts covering innovation management to try to demystify and clarify the topic for anyone interested. You are now reading the main article in the series, in which we’re looking to explain the big picture and address all of the most important themes regarding innovation management.

Innovation Management

Discover How Cutting-Edge Supply Chain Innovation is Disrupting Industries Everywhere

Supply chain innovation has become a buzzword in the business world, and for good reason. From reducing costs to improving efficiency, innovative supply chain management techniques are changing the way businesses operate. In this blog post, we'll explore the latest supply chain innovations and how they're disrupting industries everywhere. Supply Chain Innovation First and [...]

The post Discover How Cutting-Edge Supply Chain Innovation is Disrupting Industries Everywhere appeared first on InnovationManagement.

The Power of Innovation Customer Service to Drive Sales and Build Brand Loyalty

Innovation customer service can be a powerful tool for driving sales and building brand loyalty. In today's highly competitive market, companies are looking for ways to differentiate themselves and provide a superior customer experience. By leveraging innovation customer service, companies can create a unique and memorable experience for their customers that will keep them [...]

The post The Power of Innovation Customer Service to Drive Sales and Build Brand Loyalty appeared first on InnovationManagement.

How to Use Generative AI to Turn Your Insights into Investable Ideas (Part 2)

This article builds on our previous write-up (Part 1) where we demonstrated how to transform your initial thinking into a compelling value proposition.  We showed how you can increase your chances for approval and funding by using generative AI and CO-STAR to accomplish this critical first step in ideation and complete it almost instantaneously. [...]

The post How to Use Generative AI to Turn Your Insights into Investable Ideas (Part 2) appeared first on InnovationManagement.

How to Use Generative AI to Turn Your Insights into Investable Ideas (Part 1)

Innovation is often glamorized by the bookends of sourcing promising ideas like colorful post-it notes or highlighting the final polished product we see in the store. Stories of the unglamorous hard work required to bridge the gap between “I have an idea” to its realization are often not shared. Generative AI will undoubtedly play [...]

The post How to Use Generative AI to Turn Your Insights into Investable Ideas (Part 1) appeared first on InnovationManagement.

The Creative Challenge of Changing Culture at IBM

Key Strategy: Facilitating Genuine Employee InvolvementExcerpted from the book: Idea Stormers, How to Lead and Inspire Creative Breakthroughs (Wiley Jossey-Bass) by Bryan Mattimore There is no tougher organizational challenge than changing a culture. Just ask any CEO or company president. Even the most powerful executive can feel surprisingly powerless when it comes to changing [...]

The post The Creative Challenge of Changing Culture at IBM appeared first on InnovationManagement.

A Yin-Yang Model for Global Sustainability: Moving Towards Rural-Urban Balance

This article employs a holistic, interactive East Asian framework—the ancient yin-yang circle—for presenting both defensive and proactive carbon control strategies in urban and rural areas. Given the recent wave of deadly wildfires in the American West, attention is focused here on the future significance of oceans as a massive carbon sink for fighting global climate change. Life probably arose in the sea, and the sea may end up having to save the planet.

The post A Yin-Yang Model for Global Sustainability: Moving Towards Rural-Urban Balance appeared first on InnovationManagement.

Generative AI can Augment Creativity

One of the co-founders of IdeaScale, Josh Folk, (disclosure: I am CEO of IdeaScale) recently co-authored a front page article published in the Harvard Business Review, describing how the explosion of generative AI can be used to augment human creativity and productivity. Here's the full article link at HBR. To practice what I preach about [...]

The post Generative AI can Augment Creativity appeared first on InnovationManagement.

Leveraging the “Pamplemousse Principle” in Creativity Training

Leveraging the “Pamplemousse Principle” In Creativity Training For more than a dozen years my innovation agency has taught customized creative problem-solving workshops (what we now call “Un-Think” programs), to senior managers in medium and large organizations. Evaluations from the literally thousands of executives who have taken the workshop average 4.8 out of 5. Why [...]

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Types of Innovation

Innovation is an important part of staying competitive in any market, and most businesses would say it’s a high priority for their organization. When thought about abstractly, however, it’s hard to imagine how innovation can impact current and future opportunities. In order to better understand how innovation can have a tangible impact, we created [...]

The post Types of Innovation appeared first on InnovationManagement.

Entrepreneur and Innovation News

Innovation - Beratung - Förderung

Save the Date: Innovationstag Mittelstand – 13. Juni 2024

Digital. Transformativ. Resilient. So präsentieren sich kleine und mittlere Unternehmen auf dem Innovationstag Mittelstand des Bundesministeriums für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz (BMWK). Rund 300 Aussteller stellen in Berlin ihre wegweisenden Entwicklungen vor, die mit Unterstützung der themenoffenen Innovationsförderung des BMWK realisiert werden konnten. – So geht Zukunft


Tausend innovative INNO-KOM-Projekte auf einen Klick via - Meldungen
Im Innovationskatalog wurde das tausendste Projekt veröffentlicht, mit dem die Expertise und große Themenvielfalt der geförderten Forschungseinrichtungen abgebildet wird.
Jun 6
Bernd Jöstingmeier hat sein/ihr Profilfoto aktualisiert
Jun 5
Auslaufen des Förderprogramms go-digital zum 31.12.2024 via - Meldungen
Aufgrund der angespannten Haushaltslage wird das Förderprogramm go-digital nach Auslaufen der derzeit geltenden Förderrichtlinie ab 01.01.2025 nicht fortgeführt.
Jun 5
Webinarprogramm zum Innovationstag Mittelstand 2024 via - Meldungen
Mai 30
INNO-KOM auf der Hannover Messe via - Meldungen
Apr 19
Bernd Jöstingmeier hat sein/ihr Profil aktualisiert
Mrz 6
Bernd Jöstingmeier hat sein/ihr Profilfoto aktualisiert
Mrz 6
Bernd Jöstingmeier published an article
Auszüge aus einem Artikel von Anja Schreiber, 02.02.2024, 14:25 Uhr:
„Der Beruf hat in den letzten Jahren an Bedeutung gewonnen“, sagt Bernd Jöstingmeier, Professor für Personalwesen, Führung, Organisation und Innovationsmanagement an der Dualen…
Mrz 5
Bernd Jöstingmeier published an article
Im Wintersemester 2023-2024 engagierten sich 34 Studierende der Studiengänge "BWL-Handel" und "BWL-Digital Commerce Management" der Dualen Hochschule Baden-Württemberg (DHBW) Stuttgart in einem fesselnden Forschungsprojekt. Unter der Leitung der…
Mrz 5
Bernd Jöstingmeier hat ein Video gepostet
Horváth: Our customers have succeeded in successfully shaping a holistic corporate transformation. The Chairman of the Supervisory Board of OMV, Mark Garrett and the CEOs Stefan Bisterfeld (Comeco GmbH & Co. KG), Dr. Harald Marquardt (Marquardt…
Mrz 4
Save the Date: Innovationstag Mittelstand – 13. Juni 2024 via - Meldungen
Digital. Transformativ. Resilient. So präsentieren sich kleine und mittlere Unternehmen auf dem Innovationstag Mittelstand des Bundesministeriums für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz (BMWK). Rund 300 Aussteller stellen in Berlin ihre wegweisenden…
Feb 8
Neue WIPANO Richtlinie vom 08.01.2024 veröffentlicht via - Meldungen
Feb 2
Nachautorisierungszeitfenster für alle Module geöffnet via - Meldungen
15. Nov 2023
Autorisierungszeitfenster für die Module „Digitalisierungsstrategien“ und „Datenkompetenz – go-data“ weiterhin geöffnet via - Meldungen
31. Mrz 2023
BMWK setzt Industrieforschung für den Mittelstand fort via - Meldungen
12. Jan 2023
Nick Lange ist jetzt Mitglied von Deutscher Innovationsmanagementverband
7. Jan 2023